Although The Call of the Wild is told from the perspective of an
anonymous third-person narrator, the events that are recounted are those that
the dog Buck experiences directly. As such, it is not unreasonable to call him
the only fully developed character in the story. He is the only character whose
past we know anything about, and London is careful to emphasize the human
qualities of his protagonist, enabling us to empathize with the animal.
Filtered through the third-person omniscience of the narrator, Buck comes
across as far more than a creature of instinct, since he has a sense of wonder,
shame, and justice. He also possesses a capacity for mystical experiences and
for great, unselfish love, as his relationship to Thornton amply demonstrates.
He may be a dog, but he is more human than many of the people around him.
Buck’s story is cyclical: he is introduced as a pampered prince, and the
story concludes with Buck as a veritable king of beasts. In between, Buck
undergoes experiences that provide him with greater insight about the world.
Buck begins as a spoiled regent, strutting proudly over his soft, sun-kissed
domain, but he abruptly sees everything taken away from him. He is reduced to
nothing, beaten and kicked and forced to pull sleds through the Canadian
wilderness. This experience, though, far from destroying him, makes him
stronger, and he wins back his kingdom—or rather, he wins a new kingdom, a wild
one that better suits his true destiny as a wild animal. The Call of the
Wild is, as its title suggests, a celebration of wildness, of primitive
life, and even of savagery. Buck’s rise to greatness is not an easy path; it is
a struggle, a course strewn with obstacles, from the long duel with his rival
Spitz to the folly of Hal, Mercedes, and Charles. But these obstacles, London
indicates, are to be rejoiced in rather than avoided: life is ultimately a long
struggle for mastery, and the greatest dogs (or men), the Bucks of the world, will
always seek out struggles in order to prove their greatness. Thus, when Buck
goes from being a moral, civilized pet to a fierce, bloodthirsty, violent
wolf-dog, we are glad rather than shocked, because we know that he is
fulfilling his highest -possible destiny.
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